Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So I recently took the Red Rocket family to see the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus. The arena security was searching people's backpacks and purses for contraband and video cameras.*
The 3 of us passed through and on my way past the security guard, I noticed a sign that said no guns, knives or tools were allowed inside. At that point I realized that I was wearing my Leatherman tool on my belt. Now, I had just been lightly searched. My pockets had been patted, and the guard asked me to pull my jacket open so he could see my belt.
Now, I (having fogotten I was wearing the Letherman) was not trying to hide it, and it was sitting there on my belt in full view. It's kind of scary that he didn't see it or question it. He did ask questions about my iPaq PDA that was in my coat.
Kind of scary actually. Makes you wonder what weapons you could sneak into an arena if you were really trying.

* Video cameras -- They were specifically looking for video cameras. But plenty of people were bringing in regular digital cameras. Am I the only one that sees the futility of this? I have two digital cameras, both of which take pefectly acceptable video -- one even takes it at 30 frames per second which is "movie quality", and with only about 5 or 6 memory cards, I could have video'd the entire performance.

posted by Jim at 3:06 PM
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