Friday, June 24, 2005

Ikea's automated assistant

How to have fun with Ikea's perky, automated web-based assistant, Anna:

("M" is my friend Mike)

M: Does IKEA sell reusable coffins?
A: The IKEA business idea is: "We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them."
M: How about a portable office crematorium then?
A: Sorry, but that's an object that I don't really know enough about to be able to comment on. Let's talk about something else...
M: Ok. How about those Red Sox?
A: You can find all products on the REDD product line in the page I am now opening for you?
M: Can you use that REDD shoe rack to bang the dirt off your cleats?
A: Here you can find more information about REDD shoe rack.
M: Looks pretty flimsy. Do you thing it will hold my enormous crushing weight?
A: Which product would you like to know the package weight for?
M: The product in my pants.
A: It's not always possible for me to fully understand what it is you mean. This is one of those times.
M: That's ok. It's not possible for me to fully understand what I mean.
A: I am sorry if my answer was unclear. Could you please rephrase your question and we will try again.
M: Do you thing the REDD shoe rack would collapse under the enormous crushing weight hidden in my pants?
A: Here you can find more information about REDD shoe rack.
M: The care instruction says clean with lukewarm water. Do you mean the REDD shoe rack, or my pants?
A: Here you can find more information about REDD shoe rack.
M: That's the same information you sent me before. Could you please answer my question?
A: I can only answer questions about IKEA.
M: IKEA is the company trying to sell that flimsy REDD shoe rack.
A: Here you can find more information about REDD shoe rack.
M: Yeah, yeah. Anna, could you lower the graphic a bit so I can see your rack?
A: Please have a look at the Hooks and hangers.
M: I'm hung pretty good already. I will have a look at those Hookers.
A: So what can I help you with, Hung?
M: My full name is Hung Lo. You could help me in the men's room. My doctor told me I'm not supposed to lift anything heavy.
A: As I am only an advanced computer program, I cannot answer more than one sentence at a time. Please simplify and repeat the most important question within your previous input, and I will try to reply as accurately as possible. I am opening a page now which you can use if you wish to contact Customer Services. Thank you very much!
M: Hung Lo, back hurts, I need a lift.
A: I can't help you with that I'm afraid, but if you need furniture I think you know who I recommend: IKEA
M: Bye Anna.
A: Bye, then! It was very nice talking to you!

posted by Jim at 10:32 AM
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Blogger This username does not exist commented at 9:11 PM ~  

Is this for real?? Or am I just gullible?

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