Wednesday, April 27, 2005
So... I had my wisdom teeth out last friday. I feel no less wise, however. The dentist finally convinced me that it was time and at 40 years old, I guess I've put it off long enough. Although it's not like I've had them since I was 18, I don't think they even showed on XRays until I was in my 30s. I had the two bottom ones out. I only had 3, the upper-right one doesn't exist. I must be an example of a new, improved mutant strain of Human -- I started evolving away from un-necessary, cave-man relic, body parts. Anyway, it wasn't too bad. The pain was easily managed the first day with Percocet (yeehaa!) but by Saturday, I was just mega-dosing Ibuprofen. I even manged to eat a normal meal on Sunday night. Monday was OK -- just tired. Took a turn for the worse on Tuesday though -- must have just reacted to the "stress" of healing or something -- I felt like crap and basically crashed after work. The thing that drives me nuts now though -- other than the general soreness (I feel like someone punched me in the jaw) -- is that I can't eat what I want. I have these two huge caves in my mouth! They fill up with food, which is totally gross, and scares me a bit to be honest. I guess I expected that the surgeon would sew up the holes or something. The one on the right is the worst. I certainly didn't expect to have this huge, gaping, 1/4" wide hole that looks like it reaches about an inch and a half down into my jaw. So now I'm trying to eat food that I don't have to chew alot and can swallow more or less whole or in big chunks. So when I eat, I feel like a Cro-Magnon. So much for the more evolved human, eh?
posted by Jim at 10:16 PM
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The Red Rocket
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