Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Men's Grooming Tips

This was sent round to me by an acquaintance who shall remain un-named...

Sometime in the deep cold depths of last winter when the cabin fever runs amok and even the oddest notion tends to take on a life of its own I found myself sitting in a small room on a cold chair-ish thing reading. I was reading an article on male grooming tips. It promised movie star good looks that would send the women flocking to you if you did this thing that would make your skin radiate for pennies a day. What was this grooming magic?
The concept is to polish your skin with what is essentially rubbing compound to remove the oxidized layer and reveal the fresh clean skin below. Just like polishing an old car's paint to make it look all shiny and new again. Figured I'd give it a whirl.
So I trudge through the snow to my local skin care merchant and select "Noxzema Daily Exfoliating Cleanser" with "Gentle Micro beads and Menthol, Camphor and Eucalyptus" which it promises will provide me with the afore mentioned movie star complexion.
I would at this time like to quote what is written on the back side of the container. It also states, "Skin feels fresh, clean and polished - it's like breathing again"
So I give it a try on my face and although there is is a nice rush of sensation I presume is due to the "Menthol, Camphor and Eucalyptus" I detect no improvement to my complexion that might cause me to be confused with a movie star.
I ponder the rush of sensation...
Okay so this experiment is a wash but what to do with the rest of the tube full of miracle goo? There was a nice rush of sensation but other than that it didn't seem to do much good. Sensation eh?
It was at this point that I decided to exfoliate my SCROTUM!
WOW! What a nice rush of "Menthol, Camphor and Eucalyptus" to ones nether regions!
I can't recommend it enough!
So all you married guys, next time you are in the shower borrow your wife's exfoliate and brush her quizzical glances aside and give it a go!
And unlike the directions on the container DO NOT use on a daily basis!
If it yields the movie star good looks women appreciate... I can't say. Perhaps your wives can pass judgment. But if you would like to experience a Eucalyptus rush that (and I quote) "is like breathing again" Well, what can I say, its better than wearing shorts on a cool breezy day.

posted by Jim at 12:51 AM
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