Monday, August 08, 2005

Peter Jennings 1938-2005

The end of an era.

I think that Peter Jennings death marks the true end of the nightly news as a major source of news and information. I doubt that there will ever again be a internationally recognized anchorperson with the appeal, intelligence and scope of humanity of Mr. Jennings.

Although I am old enough to remember the great Walter Cronkite and the nightly new reports from Vietnam of the early 1970s, I didn't really become of age socio-politically until the 1980s. As a consequence, Peter Jennings was the major relayer of news and I watched the ABC Nightly News regularly through my 20s, and 30s. He was trustworthy in the old-fashioned news-reporter sense and the world is a lesser place without his influence.

He will be missed.

posted by Jim at 7:57 PM
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