Saturday, July 30, 2005

Got a Dog

I got me a dog!

Meet Tiber -- short for Tiberius -- a 1-1/2 year old male German Shepherd Dog. We adopted him from the NH SPCA where he had been for about a week. He's a great dog, well behaved and is settling in very easily. He is wicked smart -- he already knows all of our names and the names of most of his toys, so he can find the person or toy we ask him to. His previous owners must have trained him pretty well because he knows his basic commands and is well behaved.
It's very weird seeing a "wolf" trotting around the house though.......

posted by Jim at 8:22 AM
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rest in Peace James Doohan

I am very sad.
James Doohan -- aka Lt. Cmdr. Mongomery Scott ("Scotty") on the original Star Trek died today.

James Montgomery Doohan -- 1920 - 2005.

It makes me very sad. As a kid, I always admired Scotty -- I thought he was the best of all of the Star Trek characters. When friends and I would "play" Star Trek, I was always Scotty. The character was noble and brave, he stood up for his convictions and his friends. To
a skinny, geeky kid growing up in the 70s, those were admirable characteristics for a role-model.
In interviews that I have seen, of all the Original Series actors, James Doohan always seemed to be the most connected and appreciative of the fans. He knew where his fame came from and made sure he returned the favor as best he could. His fame was ABOUT and BECAUSE OF the fans and he knew it. There are some pretty amazing stories of his relationships with individual fans via correspondence that lasted for years.

Our world was a better place with people like James Doohan and is a lesser place now that he is gone.
He will be missed. I wish I could have met him.

And so I raise my glass to you, James -- as you take control of the Big Transporter in the Sky.


posted by Jim at 8:11 PM
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Monday, July 18, 2005


Remember -- you know - the orange drink favored by Astronauts?

I bought some and it's actually pretty good. I'd almost completely forgotten about it. I actually had no idea it was still made, I figured it was one of those long lost 70's icons like . (yeah, they're making Quisp again. You can buy it online, even.)

Anyway, it made me start wondering... what other childhood food icons of the 60's, 70's and 80's have been forgotten as we grew up? Did they actually disappear? Did they go away and come back like Quisp? Or have they always been there ready to be re-discovered like Tang?

If you have any forgotten icons, post a reply to this.....

posted by Jim at 3:46 PM
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I am old(er)

Was my birthday a few days ago.

41. ugh. I try not to think about it. It's just a number after all. I don't FEEL that old -- in fact I feel like I should be about about 30. Eh, whatever -- you're only as old as you feel.

I'll know I'm old when I start needing these:

posted by Jim at 4:25 PM
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